Pega GenAI – Configuration and Case Type

In this POC I have done the configuration and case type creation using Generative AI


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Create an application – in this case we have MyCoApp

To enable Generative AI

  1. Add Build on application – GenerativeAPIProviders

2. Then go to Toggles – Configure – System – Release – Toggles

Enable this toggle

Now go to App studio – Settings – Configuration

Check the following

Default Generative AI provider – PegaAzureChat

Pega Azure Chat DeploymentID – gpt-35-turbo

OpenAI API key – get it from the OpenAI site

Now go to openAI

Login to OpenAI

View API keys

Click Create new secret key

Click Create secret key – you will get a key – copy that key

Go to the App Studio – Settings – Configuration again

Click the gear icon of OpenAI API key row and paste the API key you generated

Now go to Case Type – Add Case Type

Add Case Type

I have selected order processing – check the radio button – Use AI to suggest a life cycle and data model

You will get the stages

Click Next for the fields

Click Submit – your case is ready

One Comment

  1. Well explained Deb ji..