We are going to learn how to implement mashup in Pega.
Demo Video:
Create a simple Case Type – MyMashup
From Case Type – Go to settings – Integration
Click Generate mashup code
Click Generate code, below is the generated code
<!– ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** –>
<script src =’http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/my-sampleapp_1984/?pzuiactionzzz=CXtpbn1CTTV1M1pSYzhvMG1YTUE3bHRPV2FXZDFrVmtQWEI4ajIvVUJkM1Z6amF3TzFpU2FLa01wMzVhTm5QK0krcGxw*’></script>
<div data-pega-encrypted =’true‘
data-pega-encrypted-hash = ‘pzuiactionzzz=CXtpbn1jQTFBZEJiK1YxZTJZL3dPOFI1bXFUZXNWNGk4am5MeGxzY0xYeE1SNkZzM3JzSmdRYTNVdVljSDJRekxHZ09BRkgxS3lEUTg0bStOem5nNDRBa1dNVHl1eVhEYitvUzJLSnFUVGdxeWd4WlNEczY0ajB1SEdDclhuc0FzV01HTk5DSDc1NXl3dnVhOXptbU8xbDEwRHFhRVE1eEM1SFMwU2dNWDRMcXJwRkpmWEU2ZE1OSHlsdTROb3dhTVIxdEZUdXVYU2R5RFkyWUtZUWYvOVp0YzQ2ckxET21FaDdSYXFJN2ZrSHBzaVFBVjMyZVNJN3A2ZjVCQXlEdjhMMjNl*’
data-pega-gadgetname =’PegaGadget’
data-pega-action =’createNewWork’
data-pega-action-param-classname =’MYOrg-IND-MySampleApp-Work-MyMashup’
data-pega-action-param-flowname =”
data-pega-isretained =’false’
data-pega-isdeferloaded =’false’
data-pega-applicationname =’MySampleAPP’
data-pega-threadname =’STANDARD’
data-pega-channelID =”
data-pega-resizetype =’stretch’
data-pega-url =’http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/my-sampleapp_1984/’ ></div>
<!– ********************** End Pega content ********************** –>
Now go to the application definition
Go to Integration & security tab
Scroll down to Mashup security
Enter the website URL where you want to add your mashup
Now paste the mashup code into the Website page. In this case I have created a index.html page and I have pasted the mashup code into that file and kept the index.html in the below path
Then run the URL in the browser
Simple!! Right?
Hope you are able to do this POC. Pat on your back 🙂
Please do let me know your inputs in the comment section.
Thanks for sharing. It’s quite helpful.
Thanks Karun.